Nowadays, reading articles and scholarly works about Tibet, one gets the impression that Tibet is an "ethnic" region as opposed to a nation of its own. This is further supported by the idiotic declarations from the current Tibetan Government in Exile, which claim that Tibet is only an internal affair of the People's Republic of China.
Wow. How far the mighty have fallen. I used to respect the Tibetan Government in Exile, until I realized it had no spine. (The aftermath of the Rangzen Spring of 2008 should have clued anyone in to this fact.) I wonder if the Tibetan Government in Exile has realized the implications of their statements. I mean, since the whole affair is an internal PRC issue, then why in the living fuck does the exile government continue to exist? Silly idiots.
One of the worst absurdities of the whole affair is the attitude now being peddled by China and her supporting scholars that Tibet has been a part of China since "since human activity began." It is no longer good enough to claim Tibet was incorporated into China by the Yuan Dynasty more than 700 years ago (and the Yuan Dynasty is really the name for the period when China itself was under the Mongolian Empire, no matter what today's fenqing like to claim). China is now claiming that the Tibetan imperial dynasty of Lha Tsenpo is really a "coexisting dynasty within China, next to the Tang" much as how in many periods of Chinese history, several warring kingdoms coexisted within the sinosphere. It sounds so nice.
Unfortunately it is complete and utter bull shit.
According to Tang dynasty records, Tibet was a foreign and "barbarian" competitor which had superior metallurgy and weaponry. Tang China and the Tibetan Empire locked horns many times over the lands which until very recently were considered inviolate frontiers between China and Tibet.
I suppose the modern day running dogs of Beijing (and this includes some of the western scholars as much as it does the chinese supporters of the illegal atrocity Tibet has had to endure now for the past 6 decades) think that since Mao said truth is malleable, then all they need do is change the truth to their liking. And they have the wealth and the means to do so, since not many in the world could give a rats ass about a piss poor mountain nation, unless we count those who donate money to Buddhist teachers (so long as they remain spiritual first and Tibetan last).
As many more articles and editorials are written about Tibet and Tibetans since the Rangzen Spring of 2008, it appears that there is a carefully crafted avoidance of the fact that Tibetans inside of Tibet for the most part are striving for complete independence from China, not "autonomy" as is often repeated by the idiot pencil pusher journalists we have here in the West who call themselves "leftists" or "progressives." I guess since the Dalai Lama supports Chinese rule over an "autonomous" Tibet now, this means everyone else should check their brains at the door to this issue.
I guess it means that the cries of RANGZEN (freedom) from the Tibetans living inside of Tibet will continue to be silenced, or mistranslated...so as not to piss off the Beijing government. It is sickening, how many times you can clearly hear in footage of Tibetan protesters the word "rangzen" and yet have some commentator explain that Tibetans want merely their fair share under the PRC. Nice. It is like living in 1984.
Rangzen has become the new word to avoid. It is an obscene word. The Tibetan Government in Exile hates it. The western running dogs of Beijing continue to spin it or downplay it. Or to say that anyone who wishes for the complete independence of Tibet is unrealistic. As for the Chinese, at least they are being honest to themselves. They can't even imagine the idea that Tibet was ever a nation of its own now. And this is the view they are demanding everyone else in the world take. The world doesn't seem to mind either.
It is amazing, really. Months and months ago I warned that China would rewrite the ancient history of Tibet and force every else to accept it. Now that this is happening, I am hearing not a peep of protest from anyone but the Tibetan Rangzen supporters. No one else in our great western democratic countries seems to give a shit.
They may get away with it. Or..rather...it may seem to them and their smug supporters that they are getting away with it. But, the simple truth is still the truth. No disguise can deface evil.
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