Thursday, December 31, 2009
What is with all this?
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Notes from the Pig Trough
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Spinning with the spinny people: Tibet
When the Rangzen Spring hit (in March of 2008), I was informed by many people in the "buddhist" community that my outspoken behavior was "samsaric" and not spiritual. For those of you who aren't buddha-nerds or not even Buddhists (unlike me who is one) "samsaric" means I am too focused on this world, as opposed to some buddha-nerd's conception of nirvana. (Sorry, but in Buddhism, nirvana is either here and now, or it simply fucking isn't at all. I realized I have just popped a whole lotta people's bubbles about the so-called Buddhist spiritual quest and if I give a crap about their delusions.)
It got to the point where certain Buddhists quoted New Age truisms to me, claiming that they were Buddhist teachings..all in an attempt to get me to give up my unflinching support for Tibetan Independence. (Yeah, that's right. Independence. As in fully free from China. Nope. Not some stupid fucking "autonomous zone" like the Beijing spags describe it today...but full independence, as is the Tibetan birthright.) I was called "worldly." As if this would sway me.
What some of those dumb asses never realized is that I have been doing the Buddhist practice thing for a while. And I actually practice it. I mean I really do sit there on the floor for long periods of time. I also not only practice meditation, but I practice the precepts. One of which, in the lineage of Buddhism I follow mostly (as opposed to some others which I am also part of but can't seem to be bothered to remember) is to defend oppressed people...not because it is a religious rule nor because it would make me a better person or any of that stupidity, but simply because I see a wrong being done and I yearn for it to be right. I feel the pain of other beings. Just like I seek to help my own arm if wounded, so other people's pains.
What hit me most about the whole episode was that people were telling me how upset or disillusioned they were with Tibetans, because Tibetans were throwing rocks at police and setting fires to Chinese-owned shops. My question to them was "why do you think Tibetans aren't living on the earth?"
The idea many in the West have of Tibetans is some willy nilly spiritual fantasy that has nothing to do with either Tibet or Buddhism. For instance, in Tibet today, a Tibetan concerned with their own survival may see it necessary to throw a rock through a Chinese bank window (thus reinforcing the idea to Chinese colonists that they can never be safe while in Tibet). I do not understand why so many so called spiritual people in the West would begrudge the Tibetans this resistance. Is it because it makes the Tibetans a real people with real concerns, and not anything like the elves from Tolkien?
The New Age has done a lot to hijack the Tibetan struggle, at least in the minds of Westerners. It's not enough that the New Age gets Buddhism wrong almost every time some dumb assed new age crystal wearing goo goo muck decides to speak about karma. No. Now they have to judge the Tibetans as being wrong for standing up to an aggression that almost makes the Third Reich seem tame.
I once asked some pacifist puke what they thought of Tibetans standing up for themselves by either getting firearms or by destroying the colonists' property. That person actually told me that since Tibetans were being violent, their cause lost its legitimacy.
How is it that because an oppressed people will not do what you want them to do, they suddenly become undeserving of freedom?
This may shock the new agers a bit, but Tibetan resistance to China has been largely militant and violent for the past 6 decades, Dalai Lama notwithstanding. While Buddhists seek to avoid killing, there is nothing which says you cannot defend yourself or your loved ones from aggression. There is nothing in Tibetan Buddhism that says "roll over and pacify yourself into playing Chinese."
Tibet was around long before either Tang China, or European peacenik ideas about what constitutes morality. It was a nation and has been on its own for centuries. The Tibetan Empire was vaster than Tang China (despite what today's Chinese nationalists would like to think.)
It is stupid and spinny for another Buddhist to tell me that my support for Tibetan Independence is too caught up in the samsaric world. There is really no other world. And anyone who tries to dissuade me from a truth (Tibet) by claiming I am samsaric, is simply being a fuckwit.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Vomiting China's Lies

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The End Is Nigh Means Nothing (part three)
I hadn't any memory of how long it was since it happened.
You see, I was driving along the highway, listening to my iPOD blasting its 80s hardcore when it happened. When it HAPPENED. I saw a woman in the middle of my path and I swerved to avoid her. CRASH
Red and black and slivers of white.
I eventually woke up. I was sitting there, the airbag that had stopped my face from hitting the windshield now drained, wheezing. I righted myself and realized I was the source of the wheezing.
I slowly moved my limbs to check, in that post-accident sort of way. Nothing seemed bad, but my head and chest hurt.
Immediately, I remembered the night and what I was doing out here, so I reached for the gun, still under my seat where i had left it. It felt good to have this weapon in my hands.
I thought about the shuffling dead and what they would do to me once they found me out here, my car bashed against a tree. But i had no chance for that. As soon as I grabbed the gun and raised it, I saw a bright light overhead and heard a loud rumble. I passed out then.
When I awoke I was in some camp, where people walked around with guns of all sorts on them. I had no idea where I was or how I had gotten there, but they were living and talking.
One of them saw I was awake and went "Hey, snotface, get up!"
I had no idea, but I slowly pulled myself up to stand.
I was still reeling from everything and trying to catch a second to make sense, when the man came over to me and slapped the side of my head. THAT snapped me more awake then I had been in the last few days.
"Now, listen, and listen good" he went on "We need every last breathing fuck and here you are." He reached down and pushed something against my chest. I grabbed it and realized it was my gun.
I mumbled something then, but I cannot remember what, and the other man just looked at me and snarled, "Shoot for the head. We are outnumbered here by these gutbuckets and if they get in, shoot their heads. It seems to stop them."
I had not idea what was going on or what he was talking about, dizzy as I was. So I just stood there with what was probably a stupid look on my face.
He looked at me closer then, and I looked at him. Grizzled and exhausted, I could see it in his eyes. Like if he went to sleep at that moment, he would never wake up. Fear had been gnawing at him. And I suddenly remembered what was going on.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The End Is Nigh Means Nothing (part two)
The meditators had gathered in rows, this time facing away from him, while he sat on a dais and conducted the chanting. OM MANI PADME HUM over and over and over. The entire group of hundreds, just shy of a thousand, sitting there on cushions, in row after row, facing the coming swarm. They were all caught up in the idea that the power of their combined chanting and positive energy would break the violence of the coming hordes. But the undead could not be reasoned with, nor would compassion or positive vibrations do anything to them. Jensen realized this truth too late. He only wished some of the others had managed to escape in the ensuing chaos.
As the approaching horde came closer, he could sense the fear among many of those gathered. OM MANI PADME HUM OM MANI PADME HUM over and over as the swarm shambled closer. There were runners among the horde, Jensen knew this well, but there was no need for the runners to run with such an easy collection of snacks just sitting there almost as if in offering.
When the first disheveled and half unclothed wretches came upon the first row of chanters, there was no pause, just lunging, flesh tearing and blood spurting, screaming and moaning. The ever present moan of the undead.
The swarm kept coming. Within seconds, the chanting had broken off and most of the chanters were either on their feet running for their lives or struggling as the undead crowded over them, attacking, tearing and biting. Those that ran fared no better than those few brave or stupid souls who remained resolute on their cushions until their end.
Jensen bolted upright and ran off the dais and kept running. The swarm, distracted by the hundreds of fresh bodies, took little notice of him as he retreated into the nearby woods and ran for his life.
Jensen didn't remember how he ended up in his parents' home, nor how long he had been running, nor whether he had in fact stolen that car or just dreamed of it. But here he was. Two days after the massacre, still in his monk's robes, with a pair of jeans on underneath, his dad's old assault rifle slung over his shoulder, and a pack of canned food pulling on his shoulders. Jensen waited. Peering through the curtains of the living room window. The smell of smoke in the air while the occasional gunshot rang out from somewhere close by.
His parents had obviously fled in a hurry. Or they had been forcefully evacuated by the national guard, which he knew had rolled into various suburbs and herded everyone living that could be found onto the streets and ordered them to evacuate by any means necessary. There was supposed to be a rescue station, Fort Varick, a hundred miles away. Jensen imagined a bunch of scared weekend warriors defending a base crowded with thousands of refugees. He didn't want to think how many of those undead would be there, rushing at the soldiers. He didn't want to imagine any longer because he knew how that scene would end. There were just too many of the damned things now.
He could see a few more of the things wandering around outside. Not in any swarm. Just the occasional shambler. The runners had by now gone after more mobile prey. Unless some were around waiting for any sudden movements. There were surely more victims to be found, in basements or upstairs bedrooms and attics. He could hear banging and glass shattering, and the occasional muffled scream. And the ever present moaning of the undead, when prey was sensed.
He would also be prey. But so far as he knew, he was undetected and meant to stay that way. His only goal now was to find a way to escape into the country side, to somehow get past the streaming refugees and the certain undead swarms that would be on their heels. Yesterday, before the TV stations stopped broadcasting live, he saw such things from the birdseye perspective of a news chopper flying above a highway crowded with refugees on foot and in cars, as the undead swarms moved in closer, capturing and gnawing on the rear of the mass of people trying to flee to anywhere else. Up the highway, one way. From the chopper's perspective you could see that the mass of refugees stretched along for miles, and behind them, the mass of undead was also stretching for miles. From east and west of the highway, across fields, a few undead groups were running and shambling towards the highway, almost as if they were flanking off the living.
He shook his head. He would avoid the highways. And any where else he thought would have been packed with refugees. No. Survivors. Or survivors up until recently.
One of the last live broadcasts was the president declaring martial law by executive order. The quarantine zones had been breached and the only safe areas now would be the so called rescue stations set up by the military, for any survivors to try to reach. Teams of special forces would be deployed via helicopter back into the cities, to search for survivors and destroy any of the undead found. However, he wondered how much good such missions would bring. Any survivors still trapped in cities would surely either be undead themselves now, or torn to shreds so that even the infection or whatever in the hell it was wouldn't matter.
Jensen wondered to himself how the rescue stations would screen out infected refugees/survivors. Would they separate the bitten from the merely wounded? And how would they know who among the wounded had come into contact with fluids from either the infected or the actual undead? Would they even know before it was too late? And how many would figure it out in time? What would happen? Would those with weapons simply kill off the infected or those who could be infected? Were they going to strip thousands of terrified refugees for inspection?
Clusterfuck. That was the word that came to Jensen's mind. The absolute breakdown of every known part of the social contract. He shook away such cynicism since he had no luxury to think such thoughts when his own near future was in doubt.
Jensen felt ashamed for what had happened not only to his group of chanters but also the masses on the highways. He promised himself that he would allow himself to cry should he ever make it far enough away. But first he had to get away. Now was not the time for guilt or any emotion but that which would lead him far away.