Tibetans, in short, are free to do as they wish, so long as it is what China wishes. Right now, China wishes for Tibetan nationality to disappear and become forgotten, while Tibetans themselves become Chinese, or get replaced by Chinese settlers, while keeping just enough local flavor to be of interest to tourists.
The Left has tried to obfuscate what the Tibetan movement is all about. You can tell it's a hoodwink when you have articles that claim to be about the "real Tibet" and that seek to unmask the "myths" about the Dalai Lama and the Free Tibet movement. Many Leftists claim that Free Tibet supporters are being naive and unrealistic, and have no connection to the Tibetan people. Some even go so far as to claim they have lived in Tibetan villages or towns and thus would know what "real Tibet" is all about. The funny thing is that these Leftists' writings and comments are lock stock and barrel exact copies of what PRC propaganda claims about Tibet.
When I read comments like "the Dalai Lama is not the peace promoting monk Tibet supporters think he is" I can only laugh. The Dalai Lama, whether you agree with his ideas or not, leads a fairly open life. Most of us would never lead such an open life, with our keen senses of personal privacy. So to claim he is not as he seems is absurd. Or malicious, since Beijing constantly tries to portray him as the Devil Incarnate.
And to the Colonialist Chinese, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, is a thorn in the side of the whole empire building project in Tibet. Because the mere fact that he escaped occupied Tibet and has never returned, speaks volumes about the illegal control China wields over Tibet and its people. The fact that the man exists and visits many places around the world, keeps the question of Tibet alive in the media and among the darling superstar world of politicians and cinema celebrities.
If tomorrow, the Dalai Lama, broke his Buddhist monk vows and told Tibetans to arm themselves and drive out the Chinese, you would see a war in Central Asia within weeks. That is how much His Holiness is still loved by the people of Tibet, even after decades of Chinese re-education and propaganda. He would never suggest such a thing, however...although Beijing and its western running dog apologists would like to convince everyone that it is the Dalai Lama who is stirring up Tibetans into wanting to be separate from China (because, as the Beijing line goes, the Dalai Lama wants to become king again with his people as slaves).
Yeah. As if Chinese occupation, brutality and violent racism against Tibetans has nothing to do with the Tibetan desire to be free of China. As if Chinese settlement and colonization, pushing Tibetans into ever more useless lands, or moving them from the cities to make way for more settlers, has nothing to do with their desire to be free from China. As if the turning of a proud people into living Himalayan tourist trinkets who have no say in their identity has nothing to do with their desire to be free of China.
As if over 2000 years of independent national history and cultural development has nothing to do with the raging fires of rangzen. Fires that will eventually consume the Chinese colonialist enterprise.
What will the apologists for Chinese Tibet say when all of their colonialist work has gone to ashes and the snow lion flag is flown freely over its homeland again?
The cracks in the edifice are growing. The walls seem strong now...but they always do just before they shatter and tumble.
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